Welcome to SUN LAB

At the SUN Lab (Sun Ultrasound & Neuroengineering Laboratory), we harness the power of focused ultrasound (FUS), neuroimaging, and immunoengineering to seek new solutions to the treatment & diagnosis of neurological disorders. Our mission is to unveil how FUS modulates the mechanobiology at the neuro-immune interface and developing ultrasound devices, imaging methods, and engineered cell systems for immunomodulation and cell-based theranostics. We perform multidisciplinary and multiscale research via mechanistic and translational approaches to advance immunotherapy, drug/gene/cell delivery, ultrasound-responsive cell therapy and neurostimulation for treating brain disorders, such as glioblastoma and Alzheimer's disease.

Research Topic 2

Ultrasound Immunoengineering and Immonomodulation

Focused Ultrasound and Neuroimaging

Focused Ultrasound mediated Drug Delivery

Research Topic 3

Cavitation Imaging and Control